Here are some policies ... feedback from other women's organisations is welcomed.
Policies of Women's Organisation about pay equity
National Council of Women of New Zealand Te Kaunihera Wahine o Aotearoa
The National Council of Women of New Zealand Te Kaunihera Wahine o Aotearoa, established in 1896 has passed remits for many years about the employment of women.
Relevant remits include:
- That in all cases where men and women are engaged in the same work either in the employment of Government or of private individuals, equal wage should be paid for equal work. [1987 reiterated 1900, 1901 and 1902]
- That equal payment be the law for equal work [1899]
- That the National Council affirms the principle of equal work, making salary and promotion depend on ability and experience not on sex [1927]
- That men and women performing the same work under the same conditions shall receive the same pay and that universal family allowances be instituted to make this practicable [1943]
- That NCW continue to investigate the principle of equal pay for equivalent work and that the Women's Teachers' Association, Federation of Business and Professional women, the women of the Public Service and kindred associations be invited to cooperate [1945]
- That letters be forwarded by NCW to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice, asking that the NZ Government give their approval to the "Equal remuneration for work of equal value" Convention and to the implementation of the decision made by the ILO Conference in June 1951. [1952, reaffirmed 1954, 1956, 1974]
- That the National Council of Women express its views to the Government that it ratify the ILO Convention on equal remuneration for work of equal value. [1959]
- Believing that all international conventions aimed at protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms should be ratified by the NZ Government, the NCW urges the Government to ratify the ILO Equal Pay Convention No 100, 1951 in recognition of Human Rights. [1969]
- That this telegram be sent to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Labour - "The NCW of NZ in conference assembled, restates its long-standing policy of Equal Pay for Women, strongly reaffirms its submission on Equal Pay to the Labour Committee of the House, and reiterates its urgent concern that the Recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry be adhered to. We strongly deplore the legislation containing loophole clauses and urge the retention of the original wording 'broadly similar' rather than 'substantially identical' in the section on criteria." [1972]
- That NCW request the Department of Labour to ratify ILO Convention 100 on Equal Pay for work of equal value. [1974]
- That NCW express its concern over the Government delay in undertaking the Equal Pay study it announced in May 1986 and seek assurance from both the Labour Party and the National Party that the legislative changes to remedy the defects in the 1972 Equal Pay Act will be introduced with all speed. [1986]
New Zealand University Students Association
To mark International Women's Day 2001 on 8 March, the New Zealand University Students Association (NZUSA) drew attention to the urgent need for pay equity. The National Women's Rights Officer for the NZUSA called upon the Government to take action on paid parental leave and pay equity as women will not be on an equal footing in the workforce until these issues are resolved. NZUSA's press release can be viewed at Newsroom.
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Last reviewed February 2004. This website created by First Bite of the Apple.